Panini : Delicious and Easy
Magnitudes of dough:
* 500 G flour
* Natural yogourt
* Baking powder
* Few yeast mixed paste
* Salt
* Little sugar
* Tablespoon butter
* Egg
* Quarter cup oil
- Everyone brings a little hot milk and the dough is a little light.
- We put it in a greased bowl and put it towel until double in size.
Amounts Filling:
* 3 clip onions on a linear form
* Pepper longitudinal section of the form
* Chicken breast
* Little parsley
* Spices (salt + black pepper + ginger + turmeric + paprika)
* olive oil
* A tablespoon of tomato sauce
Keep the onions over the fire add a little pepper him when cooked chicken breast add all the remaining ingredients
When the dough doubles the size we give and go put it above the tray sprinkled with flour cover it and let it ferment
When brewing put them directly into the machine panini
Open them a little bit of mayonnaise and then put a little stuffing and cheese and put again in the Panini machine, but in the opposite direction
Bon appetite.